Week 7 – Struggles With Visualizing Then, A Friend to Talk To

Haanel has been enlightening although sometimes hard to put into action. Focus versus a thousand things running through my mind all pleading “pick me, pick me!” kept the magnifying glass of my mind from burning down the house. Alas a little boy’s dream was about to fade away.

Then, a miraculous new friend, someone to visualize and to talk to across an empty room. Colors come and go but, my focus improves and soon the paper used as evidence begins to smoke. The thrill of near immediate results from focus brings more of the same and soon, it’s alight by only the power of the light and the lens!

I now hold in my mind that lens and that memory of the day I first discovered the power of focus. Fused into my brain with the one thing that mesmerizes all little boys… a flicker of flame. The stuff of legends, scary stories told beside campfires and the ignition point for every 4th of July firecracker.

If it weren’t for the friend of my future to visualized, as tangible and penetrating as a smile, I might never have re-discovered the joy of focus and complete immersion in mental constructs and conversations. And now, like the great Tesla, I am armed with the greatest of erector sets, the most extensive of chemistry beaker and compound collections from the catalog, the power of focused thought! Oh, what a wonderful gift I have found placed under my tree… Thank you Haanel!

4 thoughts on “Week 7 – Struggles With Visualizing Then, A Friend to Talk To

  1. As short as the catalytic tipping point tends to be, Robert, this piece that you have written here is, correspondingly short on words, yet powerful beyond measure!

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  2. Bob, I’m amazed with the thought behind the words that show your progress and intentions to be the Best. The journey is focused in thought and being aware of it as you are in more than 1/2 the battle. Now it’s practice practice & more practice. You sound ready. and you are doing it with the work you are putting in…………

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